Bombardier Global 5000


Wifi Coverage
Tail Number: N80AK
Year Manufactured: 2007
Interior Remodel Year: 2019
Exterior Remodel Year: 2019
Baggage Space Ft3: 195
Range NM: 5200
Air Speed KT: 488
Base Airport: KPBI
Base State: FL
Cabin Height: 6' 1"
Cabin Width: 7' 11"
Cabin Length: 45' 6"
Aircraft Type: Heavy
Interior Amenities
This Global 5000 comfortably seats 13 passengers
Aircraft is equipped with a Sound Dampening system to provide a relaxing experience
Venue Cabin Management System provides HD screens for each seat and complete control of your entertainment options
Inflight Wifi is provided by a Honeywell Jetwave Highspeed Internet system